Gibt es schon ein #MastodonStarterpack mit Unis, Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten etc? Ich meine, ich hätte das mal gesehen, werde aber nicht mehr fündig...
#scicomm #openscicomm #fedihelp
Gibt es schon ein #MastodonStarterpack mit Unis, Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten etc? Ich meine, ich hätte das mal gesehen, werde aber nicht mehr fündig...
#scicomm #openscicomm #fedihelp
#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.
I just updated my #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics for February 2025 using PIOMAS data:
This month was the 2nd lowest February volume on record.
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have just been updated through February 2025, which was one of the most anomalous months on record for this region:
La boîte de mon #JDS #Nebulalejeu !
Un jeu sur la formation des étoiles, mêlant dextérité et stratégie pour 2 à 5 astronomes en herbe !
Conçu et illustré par moi !
#Astronomie #Astrophysique #Vulgarisation #Scicomm
Plus d'infos bientôt !
#Arctic climate rankings are now in for January 2025:
I'm finally unveiling the #ActivityPub project that has been consuming my weekends: Encyclia, an #ORCID bridge that will make ORCID records followable and interactable on the fediverse.
It's early-stage and the ORCID following function is not publicly available yet. We're seeking community feedback on functionality and safety aspects. Read more at or follow @encyclia for news!
Have you realized that societal impact/outreach/science communication is important but no clue where to start?
Are you a researcher who is engaging with “the public”, but could you use some support in thinking strategically about your science communication?
Then, please apply to our Summer School Science Communication 2025, a collaboration between the Faculties of Social Sciences and Science of Leiden University. The school is open to researchers of all levels (PhD and up) and from all subject areas (social sciences, humanities, science), and even from all national and international universities or research institutions!
When: July 7-11, 2025
Where: Leiden University, The Netherlands
Cost: €575
Deadline for application: March 28, 2025
More information and application:
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have now been updated through January 2025. Though, check out the daily data too... another North Pole winter warming spike is occurring.
Graphs: #SciComm #DataViz #OpenScience #OpenData
My #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics are updated for January 2025 using PIOMAS data ( This month was the 2nd lowest January volume on record. #SciComm #DataViz #OpenScience #OpenData
As of today, the public swiss technical university @epfl in Lausanne has its own Mastodon server – accessible to all members of the institution, including students (!), and directly linked to their institutional login system.
A very warm welcome, EPFL, in the Fediverse, thank you for your efforts, and congratulations!
A sample from the asteroid Bennu reveals that the building blocks of life were present in the early solar system. What this tells us about how life might have started on Earth, and the possibility that it might have begun elsewhere in the Solar System.
Listen to Big Picture Science here:
@greenpeace #ClimateScientist Katharine Hayhoe is on Mastodon, you can follow her here: @kathhayhoe -
and her BSKY account is bridged here:
PRESS RELEASE: A research team led by Dr. Sofia Sheikh of the SETI Institute, in collaboration with the Characterizing Atmospheric Technosignatures project and the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center, set out to answer a simple question: If an extraterrestrial civilization existed with technology similar to ours, would they be able to detect Earth and evidence of humanity? If so, what signals would they detect, and from how far away?
Hallo Welt! Wir sind #neuhier und haben eine Leidenschaft für Wissen{schaft}spodcasts!
In unserem Verzeichnis ( sammeln und pflegen wir Podcasts rund um Wissenschaft & Forschung. Hier und in unserem eigenen Podcast halten wir euch über neue Einträge und aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Wissenschaftskommunikation auf dem Laufenden.
Du hast einen spannenden Wissenschaftspodcasts Lass es uns wissen!
Jeff Berardelli, a meteorologist, also often doing really cool #scicomm Here, he just mentions in passing that the polar vortex is behind both, the blizzard in Texas and the historical storm strength in Ireland.
I like hearing about this stuff about the extended system setup that runs into extremes on the ground. Not that I understand it necessarily, but that someone else does makes me feel better, feel less anxious.
"The jet stream that helped dump a foot of snow on the Gulf Coast is now accelerating over the Atlantic, helping fuel the strongest storm on record over Ireland with 100 mph gusts and 50 ft waves! It is so strong NOAA sent a hurricane hunter to Ireland to collect data! "
Quirks and Quarks host Bob Macdonald interviews @kathhayhoe on the role of scientists in society. She argues that climate scientists need to be more transparent about their personal values in communicating with the public.
The interview also discusses why climate science is polarizing.
"Only the science that has societal implications and requires action is becoming polarized".
The Open Science Conference 2025 is to take place
on October 8 – 9, 2025
in Hamburg, Germany
For now, it is being planned as an in-person event but we are exploring hybrid options.
Other than that, the logistics are largely sorted, so we can concentrate on the program.
If you have thoughts or ideas in this regard, feel free to share them. If you would like to be more closely involved, please get in touch.
Willkommen im #Fediverse @HumboldtUni!
Ich wünsche Euch gute Gespräche und viel Inspiration.
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have now been updated through December 2024: #DataViz #SciComm #OpenScience #OpenData