@timrichards As an American, I think all our former allies should protect themselves from the fascist, pro-Russian, #Maga crowd running the #USA government. Personally I have no idea how anyone can EVER trust the #USA again.
@timrichards As an American, I think all our former allies should protect themselves from the fascist, pro-Russian, #Maga crowd running the #USA government. Personally I have no idea how anyone can EVER trust the #USA again.
I think everyone should watch this, and then take a step back and look at the state of our country.
Yesterday, a #Republican state lawmaker in #Minnesota named #JustinEichorn introduced a new bill he coauthored to legally define "Trump Derangement Syndrome" as a "mental illness" in the state.
Later in the day, he was arrested. For what, you ask?
via @bulwarkonline’s Adam Keiper
#criminal #law #MAGA #Republicans #Trump #pedophile #SexOffender #StatutoryRape
@rootsandcalluses Ich halte insgesamt wenig davon, ein Urteil über die gesamte Bevölkerung eines Landes zu fällen. Ich fühle mich solidarisch mit den Amerikanern, die die Demokraten gewählt haben und jetzt harte Jahre vor sich haben. Mit den Leuten, die Trump gewählt haben, weil sie auf die Manipulationen und Lügen reingefallen sind? Geht so. Das sind keine Kinder. Und es gibt in den USA (noch) die Möglichkeit, sich aus zuverlässigen Quellen zu informieren.
Every now and again someone will call me a meth head on Scoopz as I am hyper and a bit twitchy.
All I have to type is "I have Tourettes," and they immediately get mobbed or delete the comment.
I find this very entertaining xD
They love to make fun of people on welfare and disability, right up until they actually make fun of someone disabled by accident.
Then run away when they can't take the heat.
3/ #DeadKennedys haben es ja schon in den 80ern gesungen. Damals noch in Bezug auf Kalifornien, jetzt ist es #Maga und #AmericaFirst. Aber sonst sind die Zutaten alle da:
I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles and never frowns
Soon, I will be president
Carter power will soon go away
I will be Führer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school
California über alles
California über alles
Über alles, California
Über alles, California
[Verse 2]
Zen fascists will control you
One-hundred percent natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back, you say
Mellow out, or you will pay
Mellow out, or you will pay
California über alles
California über alles
Über alles, California
Über alles, California
Now it is 1984
Knock-knock at your front door
It's the suede denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece
Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes, here's a pretty flower
Die! On organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown
California über alles
California über alles
Über alles, California
Über alles, California
I am finding that #scoopz is about a 30/70 split on #maga folks and more liberal people.
Most people have my side. There is still a significant following who do not really pay attention to news, and just blindly regurgitate everything #trump says, which is my main goal with these videos - to make them say stupid stuff, and turn people against them.
None of them realize #canada is fighting and still think it'll be the 51st state.
Die härteste aller verteidigungspolitischen Fragen: Kann sich Deutschland auf den nuklearen Schutzschild der USA noch verlassen? Oder braucht Europa oder vielleicht sogar Deutschland selbst einen eigenen? Dazu habe ich für Spektrum der Wissenschaft Experten von Thinktanks befragt. (evtl. €, aber Abo lohnt sich sowieso)
https://www.spektrum.de/news/kann-deutschland-eigene-atomwaffen-entwickeln/2257082 #atomwaffen #verteidigung #Trump #Putin #Maga
if you deny that being a billionaire in the most dominating country in the world isnt the definition of "living in good times" i guess you are any less able to conclude who the weak man is, and where things are heading.
Trump and his family have never served this country. Even while in the WH the first time Trump did nothing in the service of America. #trump #MAGA #republicans https://federate.social/@mattblaze/114167694204931486
#Boycott #AirBnB = #DOGE #billionaire co-conspirator #joegebbia. Fight the #regime with your actions, where you spend your hard earned money. Keep your #values. Do not support any #maga companies, products, services,. #Choice matters #FreeAmerica
#MAGA - Trump intervention at Columbia alarms defenders of academic freedom
> Federal officials told the university it must immediately place its Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies Department under “academic receivership for a minimum of five years.” The demand was among several described as conditions for receiving federal funding, including $400 million already pulled over allegations of antisemitism.
https://apnews.com/article/columbia-university-mahmoud-khalil-ice-arrests-1921e26f6b5a8585ad5cbda790846324 #MAGA
@georgetakei They would have throne eggs at JD, but those have gotten too expensive to waste on MAGAphones like Vance.
It hurts me to say this, as an #American, but people need to avoid the #USA for 2 years, at least, 2027, when the #Democrats can get a majority in #Congress and stonewall #Trump
If that doesn't happen (which would be a serious tragedy), then 4 years. And if we get a #MAGA/ Trump president in 2029, write off this country for a generation at least
"A #German Thru-Hiker Has Been Detained, Deported, and Banned From the #US Without a Hearing: Here’s What You Need To Know"